And Old Panama on Saturday
- Links to Three Previous Conferences
Wednesday, the Conference Opens
The conference got underway bright and early on Wednesday morning. And after an excellent breakfast at the hotel, we all got on the bus to the University of Panama.Over the course of the morning, I attended a session and walked over the beautiful campus with my friend Swift, taking a number of photographs along the way--including one of the great Cervantes, pictured earlier with a bird perched atop his head.
At the luncheon and after we enjoyed our meal, Ian Isidore Smart of Howard University spoke with the group about "Three Decades of Pan-Caribbean Literary Theory," a topic in which he has made considerable contributions.
Check out his blog, Ian Smart Speaks Out, for Dr. Smart expresses his views clearly.I recorded two sections of his speech for your edification:Part One:
Part Two:

The day concluded with the Opening Ceremony and Reception that included entertainment by Traditional Panamanian
Dancers from the University of Panama.
Dr. Damaris E. Serrano Guerra, who teaches at Wright State University, gave the Keynote Address.
The following video includes the dancers and a section of Dr. Guerra's talk.
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