Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Trace Trail, PSC, and Start of the Year at Walnut Hill

Button Bush Bloom

Trace Trail Less than 1.5 miles from the Peru Depot

I grouped a series of photographs taken here and there since my return to Peru for the start of the new semester.

As many of you know, biking on the Trace Trail appeals to me, but the trail concludes rather abruptly as the photographs that heads this page indicates--the flooding keep folks from driving to the river as well.

Ten days or so ago, I also rode my bike north of the Electric Bridge area. The flood levels, as the photograph on the right indicates, remain high though the path cleared but remains soft in many areas.

Bring a stick with you if you walk this area, for the spiders have taken over. I plan to
return for another walk after the first frost.

If you want to ride, you can traverse the five miles or so from the Peru Depot to the Trestle Bridge parallel to the
Electric Bridge.

Stunning late-summer flowers presently adorn the area, sharing space with the spiders, to be sure.

Just prior to the start of the Fall Term, I had the pleasure to
visit with students Peggy Groff and Mara Giles gathered in the CAATS Conference Rook. They came to hear about my adventure in Peru, South America.

And my Peru adventures continue here in Nebraska. Christian Bravo, the chef from Lima who visited Peru, NE, this past spring, gave me book about restaurants in Lima to give to a Peruvian chef in Omaha.

So, I enjoyed excellent ceviche and delivered the book to a grateful chef; he has also visited Peru, NE, and helped with both the food and drink when the Peruvians created the video. Visit Peru Mucho Gusto for a good meal--with Inca Cola.

And finally for this posting, most of my bird pictures come from my yard here on Walnut Hill. This fall, I decided to put up a Hummingbird Feeder to get an excellent picture of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird.

My quest continues.

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