Last fall, early in the semester, I fell woefully behind with this blog though I did keep up on You Tube and on Facebook with all the events I usually highlight here. I will now begin the process of catching up, so you see a mixture of dates and events for the next few months.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Ralph Nader Visits Peru State College
On Monday, March 27, Ralph Nader spoke at Peru State College, the last of this year's speakers for the Peru State College Distinguished Speaker Series.
The series had originally scheduled Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and expert on the Middle East Anthony Shadid, who recently died tragically in Syria. Ralph Nader, on his blog page tribute to Shadid, calls the author of the posthumously published House of Stone "The Most Gifted Foreign Correspondent in a Generation."
And the first section of the video I made from Ralph Nader's presentation includes Nader's discussion of Shadid and his significance.
In the second section of the You Tube video, Nader addresses one of his great concerns, the need for citizens to become actively interested in and take part in civic activities, from knowing how the local city hall functions to learning about how prisons function. I also posted photographs from the reception for Ralph Nader and his address to a large crowd in the Peru State Theater.
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