Thursday, March 10, 2011

Honor Choir At Peru State College

On Tuesday, February 22, Peru State College hosted the 14th Honor Choir.

As the collected photographs from the Misty Blues and the Honor Choir suggest, all the performers enjoyed themselves and played to an energetic audience that filled the theater with applause.

The Misty Blues got the concert underway with their second performance in three days.  

This time around, I made a video of their delighting the crowd with  "Ours for the Taking" and "At Last."

After the Misty blues Show Choir lifted the audience in the Peru State Theater with music and dance, the nearly two-hundred  high-school students who had practiced all day filled the stage.

I recorded for your enjoyment the three pieces I filmed from the Concert Choir's performance on Sunday afternoon"Hallelujah, Amen" and "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" on one video and the fun "The Kerry Dance" on another.

Remember that you can download individual images or the entire album.  And be sure to watch the HD videos at the highest level for your complete enjoyment.


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