Tuesday, February 18, 2014

PSC Foundation Chili Feed, Feb. 15, 2014

I always enjoy the PSC Foundation's Chili Feed, and this past Saturday, Feb. 15 at 2:30, I attended the event camera in hand.  Check out the photographs from the fun.

The feed began at 2:30 after the start of the women's basketball game and continued through
the men's efforts; while the Bobcat teams did not eventually prevail, the noise level in the Wheeler Center remained enthusiastic throughout.

And many took advantage of the free food and fun.  As usual, members of the PSC Student Senate helped serve the chili and the extras, from cinnamon buns to cheddar cheese.

Adding to the afternoon's high-energy level,
 the PSC Pep Band, under the direction of Dr. Pat Fortney played with considerable gusto to the delight of everyone.

In addition, between the games, a tumbling group of youngsters, The Fantastics Flyers of Gary's Tumbling, from Glenweed,  Iowa, entertained on the basketball court, making me wish that I had carted my movie camera to the festivities.

Also at the half, VP Micki Willis honored several members of the PSC Women's Volley Ball team.  The Certificates of Excellence acknowledged the players' academic achievements and athletic prowess.  

Thanks to all who helped the Peru State Foundation organize this tasty and successful event.

Which reminds me that I must purchase a pair of PSC socks from the softball players!

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