Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring Comes to Peru, NE

Bill Clemente, Clyde Barrett, and Dan Holtz

My House on Walnut Hill, Peru, NE

The conclusion of the term arrived, and I sit now in Ripon, Wisconsin, for the summer and will post now and again, including posts from last summer that have remained dormant.

Over the final weeks of the term, I took a variety of photographs that include multiple trips on the Trace Trail and the many birds that visit my yard at this time of the year, such as the Rose-breasted Grosbeak pictured here.

Among other things, the week after the "bingo" visit to Belle Terrace, I returned to the retirement community in Tecumseh, this time to share my bird pictures.

As the images from along the Trace Trail (both north and
south of the Peru Depot) indicate, the water covers a considerable portion of the area; much of the wet, however, reflects efforts to return this area to wetlands.

The shot on the right, for example, shows where the abundance of water from the area reaches the Missouri River.

A month or so ago, I asked my friend Darrin Reeves, PSC Security Officer, to take me Morrel Mushroom hunting, for I wanted to take pictures. Well, Darrin found the group of mushrooms pictured on the left along side the road on Walnut Hill--a drive-by sighting and a nice bunch of tasty delights.

I also photographed the post-commencement gathering on
the PSC campus, where a happy crowd enjoyed excellent appetizers, fine weather, and Hoyt Street Jazz, as the collection of pictures underscores, a fine way to conclude the term.

And the Lima Come to Peru Story continues to grow, so I
add to that page as new information arrives, including on my last day in town, Tuesday, May 15, a visit to Peru by a television crew from Lima--that station will air a piece about the documentary's huge success. The star of the interview, our own Logan Merz. So keep checking the blog page now available under "Bill's Links."

Finally, for now, I posted for your enjoyment on You Tube a short video (1.52
minutes) with photographs that features the "Peru Color Song" and footage our friends from Peru took of Peru from a helicopter (the song is also featured on the longer version of the video).

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spring 2011 Chorus and Band Concert


On Sunday afternoon at 3:00 in the College Theater, the Concert Choir, Madrigal Singers, and Concert Band entertained on a beautiful Spring day.

You will find a number of images posted for your downloading or slide-show enjoyment.

The Concert Choir began the evening of
I posted video of three performances, including the Peru State Color Song, "Hallelujah" and another title I will add later.

The Madrigal  Singers also joined in the festivities, and you can enjoy a series of their songs.

The Concert Band concluded the afternoon's special entertainment, and you will find two numbers posted on You Tube for your enjoyment, "Folk Dances" and "Malaguena."

Now we await the first performances of the Fall Term!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring 2011 Alpha Chi Induction


At noon on a beautiful Sunday, May 1, the Alpha Chi Induction Ceremony took place in the Live Oak Room of the Student Center.

Similar to last year's ceremony at which sixteen got inducted, on Sunday, eighteen scholars took part in the ceremony. 

Alpha Chi, a National Honor Society, offers membership only to those Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate Students--in the Schools of Professional Studies, Education, and Arts and Sciences--whose GPA ranks in the top 10%.

Among other things, Alpha Chi holds national conferences each year at which students give presentations, from poster sessions for Chemistry to piano recitals.  Last year's conference took place in Little Rock.

This year, nearly five hundred students and sponsors enjoyed a national conference in San Diego.  The Alpha Chi page offers a lot of information about this exciting conference; and one of the links there will take you to my own blog page devoted to the conference.

Last year, Peru State College inducted a record 52 student scholars; this year, using the new Alpha Chi on-line registration, 55 students have already joined, and I anticipate that the final number will exceed 60, exciting news for the college and a salute to our students' academic success and the institution's commitment to teaching excellence.

Student officers--Maddy Kirk, President; Robyn Hilbers, Vice President; Jane Henry, Secretary; Judy Kirk, Secretary; and Kimberly Miller, Student Delegate--appear in the following photograph:
Robyn Hilbers, Kimberly Miller, Maddy Lister, Jane Henry, Judy Kirk

I posted photographs of the elegant ceremony and thank
President Dan Hanson, Elaine Hanson, Mara Giles, and Dr. John Hnida for their help with the ceremony and for their continuing support for Alpha Chi.

 Dan Hanson, Elaine Hanson, Bill Clemente Mara Giles, John Hnida

I will eventually add here the names of all who became members this year of Alpha Chi, and the college will also create a press release.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Jazz on the Green

Taking advantage of stunning weather, the Hoyt Street Jazz Band provided entertainment that matched the day's beauty.

I posted quite a few photographs from the event for your enjoyment, including many shots of all the people who came to watch the band perform on the patio in front of the almost-ready-for-prime-time Fine Arts Building.

So take a few minutes to enjoy the slide show and feel free to download a copy of your favorite picture(s). 
You  will also enjoy the video of the band performing St. Louis Blues, which features numerous solo sequences.