Saturday, November 4, 2017

ICCL Conference in Nassau, Bahamas, November 1-4


I uploaded photographs from the International Conference on Caribbean Literature in Nassau this early November. These photographs appear on Flickr--you can easily download original-sized images, as many as you like.

I also offer videos:

Mr. Patrick Rahming: "The Three Stages of Self-Discovery"

The String City Violinists and Bahama's National Anthem sung by Tonique Brown:

Dr. Christian Campbell:

Arlene Nash-Ferguson: "Dis me Naa!"

Haldane Chase: "Errybody Gat  Somethig to Say...Voice, Place and Identity in Bahamian Popular Music"

Some of us stayed at the hotel the final night of the conference to enjoy the Bahamian Banquet and the music that followed. And Swift managed to play along with the band.